Monthly Archives: May 2015

started reading outliers by malcom gladwell.
woke up and watched interviews with charlie kaufman and videos about synecdoche, new york. synecdoche is one of the richest films i have seen in a long time. kaufman continues to make the most creative and sad films i have ever watched.

ghost letters
phonics game about silent letters. plays like crazy 8 using colored ghosts and silent letter combinations. can also be played as a slap game or used as flashcards. download game as pdf. silent combination: wr, kn, mb, rh, mn, st, e, gn, is, bt, sw.
philip marlowe
via wikipedia
watched the big sleep (1946)
humphrey bogart as private detective marlowe and lauren bacall
directed by howard hawks
screenplay by william faulkner, leigh brackett, and jules furthman.
based on the big sleep by raymond chandler
Synecdoche, New York

kanpunggi brothers

howard pyle

Marooned by howard pyle.1909. oil on canvas. via wikimedia commons
Howard Pyle illustrator (1853 – 1911).

Which Shall be Captain (1911) via wikimedia commons

Bunker Hill (1898) via wikimedia commons

war memorial of korea
war memorial of korea. yongsan, seoul.
anti-aircraft guns.
galleries with names carved on black marble.
casualties of the korean war.
from south carolina
the memorial and the dragon hill neighborhood.
north korean high ranking official publicly executed by anti-aircraft gun shot. may 2013.
Foreign Policy: A Story of Paranoia and Gore: Why North Korea Uses Such Brutal Execution Methods
North Korean Famine (Arduous March) 1994-1998.
viajes por tierra en bici – corea
daejeon to sejong city
120 km south of seoul near the middle of the country.
daejeon to sejong city (solar bike path )
goseong-gun to samcheok
unification observatory in goseong-gun county south to gopo village in samcheok by bike (east coast)
busan to seoul
busan > follow the nakdong river north> cross the middle of the country on the saejae bicycle road to where the han river begins > ride the hangang up to seoul
four rivers trails
four rivers trail system (korea joongang daily)
- hangang (seoul) paldang station > chungju dam ~ 136-224 km
- geumgang (west, middle of the country) daecheong dam > geum river estuary ~ 146 km
- yeongsangang (south west tip of the peninsula) damyang dam downstream > mokpo yeongsan river estuary weir ~ 133 km
- nakdonggang (busan) ~ 100-378 km (korea herald)
- saejae bicycle road (hilly link between the nakdong and the han) ~ 100 km
riverside biking trails in korea (pdf)
seoul bicycle website (in korean)

seodaemun prison camp
seodaemun prison camp
built in the early 1900s to hold korean nationalists during the japanese occupation of korea. after wwii, the south korean government used the prison until it was shut down in the 1980s. reopened as a museum in the 90s.high school romance at the prison.
a boy reads a pokemon book, a character created by japanese video game designer satoshi tajiri, in front of a wall of koreans held at the camp during the occupation.
bamboo under the nails torture.
an elementary school kid on a field trip chokes a guard mannequin in one the torture chambers.
the former prison lies west of dongnimmun station on the seoul subway line 3.
korea, china, manchuria and the pacific under japanese occupation.