Category Archives: sculptures

A Death in Tuscany

Giuttari, Michele, and Howard Curtis. A Death in Tuscany. London: Abacus, 2009. Print.

“Friendship is preferable to honors. It is better to be loved than honored.” Aristotle.

See Nicomechaen Ethics Book VIII Chapter 8 by Aristotle

River Arno flood of 1966

North Africans and Albanians in Florence p. 21-22

“The personal effects of the dead are always disturbing. It is as if they have suddenly lost their value along with their owner. They appear as they are, piles of objects more or less worn down by a use to which they wil no longer be put… But that wasn’t what disturbed Ferrara as he bent to pick up the wretched market-stall ring. It was the image of the girl reaching out her little hand to choose it from among others, the childish illusions she may have had in her mind as she slipped it on her finger.” p. 34

Police reports 119-121.

Piazza della Republica to the Via degli Strozzi… Giambologna’s grim little devil at the corner of Via dei Vecchietti.” p. 125


ilex evergreen oak

finding Claudia Pizzi’s leather shoulder bag containing her mobile and wallet with ID. p. 172

Hunting in the Pontine Marshes, oil on canvas by Horace Vernet, 1833. Via Wikimedia.

“He was the son of poor peasants from the Agro Pontino who had only ever known three coats of arms, the arms of Savoy, the Fascist emblem, and the shield of the Italian republic.” p. 197
“two columns of the Temple. The one in the north is Boaz, and the one in the south is Jachin.” p. 202

“The three columns symbolise Wisdom, Strength and Beauty.” p. 203

Masonic ritual and symbolism

Pigpen cipher

בֵּית־הַמִּקְדָּשׁ Solomon’s Temple

Italian August bank holiday

Marble quarries in Carrara

To read:

Purloined Letter short story by Edgar Alan Poe

