Category Archives: books
to read
to read:
modern man in search of a soul
by jung
by freud
see constructivism (philosophy of education)

Il Principe
Machiavelli, Niccolò. The Prince. Penguin Books, 2006. (translated by George Bull) (First published 1532).
semiotics and structuralism
to read
The Third Man
watched The Third Man (1949) | Carol Reed| DP:Robert Krasker | Script Graham Greene
see Allied-occupied Austria (map)
to read: symbols
Cavendish, Richard. Man, Myth, and Magic: An Illustrator Encyclopedia of the Supernatural. Vols. 1-24. New York, 1970.
Jung, C. G. The Collected Works. Vols. 1-20, 1957-1979.
(de Vr) de Vries, Ad. Dictionary of Symbols and Imagery. Amsterdam, 1984.

Fantastic Mr. Fox
Dahl, Roald. Fantastic Mr. Fox. Puffin, 1998. First published 1970.