Category Archives: weekly book

Il Milione (Livre des Merveilles du Monde, The Travels of Marco Polo)

Polo, MarcoRustichello da PisaJohn Frampton (translator) and Milton Rugoff. The Travels of Marco Polo. Signet Classics, 2004. (published c. 1300)

A page of The Travels of Marco Polo. Marco Polo, Il Milione, Chapter CXXIII and CXXIV, Via Wikimedia.

Map of the Travels of Marco Polo. Via Wikimedia.

Записки из подполья (Notes from Underground)

Dostoyevsky Statue, Dostoyevskaya Metro Station, Saint Petersburg, Russia.

Dostoyevsky, Fyodor (translated by Mirra Ginsberg, 1974). Notes from Underground. 1864.