Category Archives: object

Mountain Fortress 금정산성 金井山城 Sajik to PNU | Yeonsan to Gwangan.

path-DSC_7294Hiked from Sajik to PNU. memi-DSC_7194Memi in hiding.
south-gate-DSC_7211 wall-DSC_7210Had lunch near the south gate of a mountain fortress 金井山城門.pajeon-DSC_7252 pajeon-DSC_7245 makgeolli-DSC_7227Ate the pajeon. Drank the makgeolli.geum-DSC_7256mushroom-DSC_7287DSC_7281Ruins.DSC_7280 DSC_7273 the-sea-DSC_7276Gwangan, Baesan mountain, and the Pacific Ocean in the distance.tree-rocks-DSC_7302nakdong-gimhe-DSC_7297The fork that divides the Nakdong and the West Nakdong 西.top-DSC_7304 roof-pattern-DSC_7314Roof geology. tiger-magpie-DSC_7317Saw an old friend. 호랑이 | 虎狼. yum-hummus-DSC_7331Had dinner at Yammy Green near Baesan mountain. yam-hummus-DSC_7332Delicious hummus sandwiches and vegan burgers.

Walked south, towards Gwangan. pattern-DSC_7336Patterns and light on Gobun road. firestation-DSC_7344Shadows at a fire station. kim-DSC_7350French fries, beer and indoctrination.  pup-DSC_7356 Sleepy doggers, pet shop.manikins-DSC_7365Manikins. Suyeong intersection.












Fukuoka | 10/28

police-embassy-DSC_5713Japanese riot police guarding the Korean Embassy.


monk-DSC_5718Komainu-DSC_5783Komainu-DSC_5790Komainu (狛犬)

“Meant to ward off evil spirits, modern komainu statues are almost identical, but one has the mouth open, the other closed. This is a very common characteristic in religious statue pairs at both temples and shrines. This pattern is however Buddhist in origin and has a symbolic meaning. The open mouth is pronouncing the first letter of the Sanskrit alphabet, which is pronounced “a”, while the closed one is uttering the last letter, which is pronounced “um”, to represent the beginning and the end of all things. Together they form the sound Aum, a syllable sacred in several religions like Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism.” Wikipedia article.

Komainu-DSC_5752Komainu-DSC_5766torii-DSC_5757Gokoku Shrine 護国神社. fukuoka-DSC_5764fukuoka-DSC_5760fukuoka-DSC_5759yellow-pumpkin-statue-DSC_5742Yayoi Kusama 草間 彌生 pumpkin パンプキン sculpture at Fukuoka Art Museum 福岡市美術館. Ohori Park. More Yakoi Kusama pumpkins (INHALE MAG).Fukuoka_Art_Museum-福岡市美術館-DSC_5739Ohori Park.Ohori_Park_DSC_5732Ohori_Park-大濠公園-DSC_5726 leaves-DSC_5816leaf-DSC_5788leaf-DSC_5837Maizuru_Park-DSC_5800Fukuoka Castle ruins 福岡城.Maizuru_Park-DSC_5828Maizuru_Park-DSC_5821October 28, 2014.