Wrote a short scene inspired by Fargo’s state trooper and passing motorists murder scene.
Category Archives: syllabi
On Dangerous Ground (1951) Nicholas Ray
Nightfall (1957) Jacques Tourneur
Fargo screenplay (Coen brothers)

Fargo | Dramatic construction
Fargo/Coen Brothers (i) week syllabus 01/22-01/29
Fargo (1996) Coen brothers | Roger Deakins
Dramatic construction with index cards. Each card = one minute of screen time, one script page.
“writing on each of them a minimal number of words that describe a step in the narrative… Important character interactions in a scene.” (Mackendrick p. 45)
what each main character in the scene wants. scene objective. how the story moves forward.
Script to read:
Fargo (Coen brothers)
Course book:
On Film-making (Alexander Mackendrick)
Films to watch this week:
Nightfall | Jacques Tourneur (1957)
On Dangerous Ground | Nicholas Ray (1951)
Article “five films that influenced the Coens’ classic” from BFI
Articles to read:
Essay or script:
500 words on Fargo or neo-noir script 3-5 pages (Saturday)
Location scouting:
Writing/Film Project:
Chukkumi (mornings)
Book to read:
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man. James Joyce.
Photo project: