location scouting, memoria February 26, 2016 February 26, 2016 migueldelosandes 10:43 PM. Barber’s pole. Jaesong.
memoria February 25, 2016 February 25, 2016 migueldelosandes 11:02 PM. Ships at sea and the reflection of the moon on the bay. View of Songjeong Beach.
architecture, memoria February 23, 2016 February 23, 2016 migueldelosandes 11:31PM. 해운대 신시가지 Haeundae New Town and Dalmaji hill.
memoria February 22, 2016 February 22, 2016 migueldelosandes 08:01PM. Quemando la casa de la luna. Burning down the moon house. Haeundae.
books, memoria, weekly book Protected: February 21, 2016 | Suttree February 21, 2016 migueldelosandes This content is password protected. To view it please enter your password below: Password: