watched The Third Man (1949) | Carol Reed| DP:Robert Krasker | Script Graham Greene
see Allied-occupied Austria (map)
watched The Third Man (1949) | Carol Reed| DP:Robert Krasker | Script Graham Greene
see Allied-occupied Austria (map)
Dramatic construction with index cards. Each card = one minute of screen time, one script page.
“writing on each of them a minimal number of words that describe a step in the narrative… Important character interactions in a scene.” (Mackendrick p. 45)
what each main character in the scene wants. scene objective. how the story moves forward.
Fargo (Coen brothers)
On Film-making (Alexander Mackendrick)
Nightfall | Jacques Tourneur (1957)
On Dangerous Ground | Nicholas Ray (1951)
Article “five films that influenced the Coens’ classic” from BFI
500 words on Fargo or neo-noir script 3-5 pages (Saturday)
Chukkumi (mornings)
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man. James Joyce.
Director: Lulu Wang
Watched Miller’s Crossing (1990) Coen Brothers:
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watched the big sleep (1946)
humphrey bogart as private detective marlowe and lauren bacall
directed by howard hawks
screenplay by william faulkner, leigh brackett, and jules furthman.
based on the big sleep by raymond chandler
started listening to the audiobook of the big sleep by raymond chandler
LA detective. film noir. 1930s/1940s.
lack of plot.complicated plots. lack of artificial exposition. natural unfolding of the story.
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the close-up on p t anderson, 58 mins.
josh brolin. dp/30
The coen brothers speak (reluctantly) the big lebowsky, the big sleep, etc.
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