Tag Archives: hemingway

The Old Man and The Sea
Hemingway, Ernest. The Old Man and The Sea. New York: Bantam, 1965. Print.
“He never went turtle-ing. That is what kills the eyes.” p. 6

Virgen del Cobre (Our Lady of Charity) via wikipedia
Virgen del Cobre
“Once there had been a tinted photograph of his wife on the wall but he had taken it down because it made him too lonely to see it and it was on the shelf in the corner under his clean shirt.” p. 8
“But I try not to borrow. First you borrow. Then you beg.” p. 10
“The old man’s head was very old though and with his eyes closed there was no life in his face.” p. 10
“”Age is my alarm clock,” the old man said” p. 15
“”All I know is that young boys sleep late and hard.” p. 15
“He only dreamed of places now and of the lions on the beach.” p. 17.
“and he thought, the birds have a harder life than we do except for the robber birds and the heavy strong ones.” p. 21
“Every day is a new day. It is better to be lucky.” p. 24.
“Most people are heartless about turtles because a turtle’s heart will beat for hours after he has been cut up and butchered.” p. 28
“Now is the time to think of only one thing. That which I was born for.” p. 31
“you down there six hundred feet in that cold water in the dark.” p. 33.
“He knew what a huge fish this was and he thought of him moving away in the darkness with the tuna held crosswise in his mouth.” p. 35.
“”Then go in and take your chance like any man or bird or fish.”” p. 47
“he knew no man was ever alone on the sea.” p. 52
“But a cramp, he thought of it as a calambre, humiliates oneself especially when one is alone.” p. 53
But, thank God, they are not as intelligent as we who kill them; although they are more noble and more able.” p. 55.
“I wish I was the fish, he thought, with everything he has against only my will and my intelligence.” p. 56
“A flying fish is excellent to eat raw and I would not have to cut him up.” p. 57
“a great island of Sargasso weed that heaved and swung in the light sea as though the ocean were making love with something under a yellow blanket” p. 64
“There is no one worthy of eating him from the manner of his behaviour and his great dignity.” p. 67.
“And now he has jumped more than a dozen times and filled the sacks along his back with air and he cannot go down deep to die where I cannot bring him up.” p. 75.
“A man is never lost at sea” p. 81
“is he bringing me in or am I bringing him in?” p. 91.
“A man can be destroyed but not defeated.” p. 95
“It is silly not to hope, he thought. Besides I believe it is a sin.” p. 96
“Now is no time to think of what you do not have. Think of what you can do with what there is.” p. 102
“He did not even watch the big shark sinking slowly in the water, showing first life-size, then small, then tiny. That always fascinated the old man.” p. 103
Galanos shark (Guitarfish?)
shorts (ii)
tierra y pan
continuous zooming out and dissolves as it tells a simple story of death. no dialogue. landscape and tragedy. carlos armella. mexico. golden lion. 2008.
conceptual. art department-intensive. no dialogue. bobbie peers. norway. palme d’or. 2006.
perhaps inspired by
with a little jean-pierre jeunet in there.
city landscape and reflective narration. b&w. for the first part of the film, each quick shot slowly zooms in. keir burrows. uk. tribeca selection. 2012.
hemingway to read
dateline: toronto
a moveable feast