Tag Archives: south korea

Jaseongdae | 자성대 | 子城臺

Headed over to Busanjin to explore the 400-year-old remains of a Japanese castle.
underpass-DSC_4615Found lots of walkers.
path-DSC_4636stairs-DSC_4632Found a couple of shrines.little-buddha-DSC_4647shrine-DSC_4639  shrine-DSC_4652Got off the main path and followed the trail around the hill.paths-DSC_4666Found Mōri Terumoto‘s fortress walls.  wall-close-up-DSC_4725wall-DSC_4661 wall-plants-DSC_4676 trees-wall-DSC_4680 wall-close-up-DSC_4700 wall-DSC_4702 wall-tree-DSC_4704Jinjiseong at the top of the hill in the Korean style of contruction.  Jinjiseong-DSC_4710 Jinjiseong-DSC_4712bridge-DSC_4719 wall-tree-DSC_4736 wall-DSC_4747 wall-DSC_4750 wall-close-up-DSC_4749 west-gate-DSC_4756West Gate reconstruction (1974) in Korean style.

See Japanese Castles in Korea 1592-98 post.

See Fortress Cats post.
